Sunday, April 21, 2013


A Fun Game of Sums! (Addition)
Everyone Wants A Treat!
We had so much fun playing this game!
Everybody got some sums.

Dear  Reader,

Roll the dice to get two addends.
Find the sum.
Use the egg to hold the Jelly Beans. 
Put the pink die number in the egg top and 
the green die number in the egg bottom.
Put the egg together and count 
how many Jelly Beans are all together.
You just found the Sum!
Write the number sentence.
Repeat until you have five number sentences.
Now you get to eat your Jelly Beans.
What a Treat.

Try doing sums at home or school.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Where ever U are, in our
 Whole Wide World,
I'm Wishing...
Sunshine And
Sunny Daz 4 U

*1 Homework for SunnyDaz Kids*
Parents monitor your child as they do this homework.
Do five or more number sentences.
Write a comment that says: I did it.
Parent & Child write your first names.
Leave a comment and be one of my 
SunnyDaz Kids.
I have taught hundreds over the years.
There is room for you too!
See you at school 
or back here at SunnyDaz4U.