Saturday, March 30, 2013

2 #EASTER EGG-CELLENT IDEAS! ABC Scrambled Eggs Letter Match!

#2Easter Egg Extention
ABCs Scrambled Eggs Letter Match!
What to do with all those plastic Easter Eggs?
I have been waiting and waiting to be able to 
share these EGG-cellent ideas.
I love these colorful eggs and Kinder Kids do too.
This is a fun way to practice matching 
BIG letters to little letters.

Write a BIG letter on the top half of the egg.
Write a little letter on the bottom half of the egg.
Scramble The Eggs!
Pull the eggs apart and mix up the top and bottom.
Now match the Big and little letters.

Dear Reader Try this with some of the letters 
in your child's name.
You might want to make it harder by mixing up the
color of the top and the bottom of the egg.
Please share if you have other ideas.
Thanks for stopping by :)

Where ever U are, in our
 Whole Wide World,
I'm Wishing...
Sunny Daz 4 U

*1 Homework for Kinder Kids*
Parents monitor your child as they do this homework.
Write letters from your name onto plastic eggs.
Or draw your own eggs with letters on a paper.
Scrambled the eggs.
Match them up.
Write a comment that says: I did it.
Parent & Child write your first names.

Leave a comment and you will be one of my SunnyDaz Kids.
I have taught hundreds over the years.
There is room for you too!
See you at school 
or back here at SunnyDaz4U.

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